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How to choose a reliable machine supplier?


Industry environment analysis:

1. Cold bending industry salesperson: As a salesperson in the cold bending industry, it is different from other industries such as tobacco, alcohol, toys, and other standardized batch industries. A qualified cold bending industry salesperson should have at least 3 years of industry sales experience. Orders with foreign customers are mostly small batches, customized, and require effective communication to understand customer needs and provide equipment core to design or production personnel. Years of experience will tell him what kind of equipment can be provided to customers, what kind of equipment is wrong to provide to customers, and whether customers can truly use the purchased equipment. There is a basic judgment (of course, the personal qualities and qualities of business personnel are also crucial at this time). Currently, 70-80% of the business personnel in the industry come from recent college graduates or those without any experience in the mechanical industry. Under the pressure of company performance or assessment, they have to memorize some simple mechanical parameters (of course, most people even have no idea what they remember in their minds? What is the effect of these parameters on customers? They only use them as marketing materials). The ineffective stacking of various parameters and contract constraints result in ineffective improvement in the later stage of equipment production. The core key areas have not been effectively improved, but a large number of ineffective technical parameter comparisons are added in critical areas. At the same time, there is a large number of business personnel who, due to performance requirements, make bottomless promises to customers without understanding the actual situation of the equipment, and do not reflect the actual situation of the equipment to customers (some customers or business personnel blindly believe that the equipment is reasonable without understanding the situation), resulting in an interesting phenomenon where customers have very casual conversations with salespeople who only know the basics (because salespeople can give them promises they want), but do not trust technical personnel, causing many customers to receive customized equipment with various problems in the later stage. Therefore, when choosing salespeople, their own experience and personal qualities are very important, (Pay attention to a salesperson who talks to you every day about how the screws on the machine are good, how the switches are good, or quickly agrees to everything. They are either scammers or don't understand anything).

2. Cold bending industry enterprises: When customers choose to cooperate with a cold bending industry company, they will find that each enterprise is different, and the business personnel of each enterprise are using beautiful language or slandering methods to strongly recommend their company's products. It is crucial to choose a reliable supply enterprise. Firstly, you need to understand the current classification environment of companies in the cold bending industry. Currently, the equipment companies available in the market are mainly divided into five categories. The first category is individual freelancers who basically obtain a company license that shows as production through some illegal means or means, disguise themselves as enterprises, and bring some factories to customers for inspection and tell them that it is their company or branch to gain customer trust (due to professional ethics, I will not list these companies one by one). At the same time, you will find that when they provide materials or parameters to customers, the colors of the production scene equipment in photos or videos are different, because they also search for pictures on the Internet and then paste them together to send to customers. 

Once a customer completes a transaction, there is a high probability that the following consequences will occur: (1) After the deposit is prepaid, the person cannot be found at all. (2) There is no after-sales service after purchasing the equipment These intermediaries constantly push down prices on factories in order to obtain a favorable middle price difference, resulting in a decrease in quality, and customers' money is not used to improve equipment quality Due to the fact that intermediaries are not proficient in the core technology of the equipment, they are unable to determine or provide some factory equipment that can be stably delivered to customers, resulting in continuous problems in the later stage and unbearable suffering for customers If there is aging or damage of accessories during the customer's use of the equipment in the later stage, whether complex equipment accessories can be provided is a big issue, because at that time, whether the intermediary is still engaged in this industry or whether the intermediary is still cooperating with the production enterprise, whether there is any conflict, the end customer will be the sacrificial lamb, resulting in the equipment being unable to be used at all.

The second type of enterprises do not have core technology at all, mainly engaged in or producing simple equipment production, and even reporting some technical parameters to customers requires spending consultant fees from part-time designers or deceiving other peers. In order to market, they disguise their factories as companies with high technology, experience, and design power, and invest 50-80% of their investment in performances or TV dramas. In order to increase the chances of transactions, one may even borrow some equipment from companies focused on a certain industry and promise to sell their equipment once the sales are successful. Attentive customers have discovered that the equipment manufactured by such companies comes in a wide variety of colors, styles, design concepts, and styles. Why is this so? Because it is not produced by a single enterprise, each enterprise has its own design style and characteristics. Resulting in a significant gap between design style and craftsmanship, with a wide variety of styles and techniques. At the same time, you will find that when he provides materials or parameters to customers, the colors of the equipment in the production scene of photos or videos are different, because he also searches online or pretends to be a customer and requests pictures from other peers, and then pieces them together to send to the customer. Once a customer purchases from such a company, first of all, they do not master the core technology, but only understand some theoretical or surface parameter introductions. Once the customer's equipment has problems or parts are damaged, they do not have detailed drawings and procurement lists, and even cannot control the quality. These devices are purchased from external sources and sold to customers. Once the customer's equipment has problems, they can only urge the real manufacturer. Due to the fact that the real manufacturer only earns very meager profits, it is difficult for the manufacturer to cooperate, resulting in customer problems that cannot be solved or are constantly delayed. At the same time, intermediate enterprises find it difficult to control the quality of equipment due to their superficial understanding of the core of the equipment. Equivalent to customers paying a good price for a pile of industrial waste (such enterprises occupy 70-90% of the market).

The third type of enterprise, some companies that appear to have a large appearance, if you come across such enterprises when choosing, the first thing you need to do is to truly understand what equipment is being produced in their workshop. It is best to choose from these because the cold bending industry is different from other industries. It belongs to small batches and customization. A company that looks relatively large is only suitable for mass production of products. They do not have the energy or time to research or produce a device for an order, and it is likely that you will order it from another competitor. Due to the lack of core technology, the quality is poor or unstable.

The fourth type of enterprise is a real production enterprise, but it should be noted that when you visit their production factory, if you find that a part of the equipment has been painted during the assembly process, but many others have not been painted yet, or are being improved, welded, and processed while assembling, then the vast majority of this situation is because they do not have their own independent designers and have hired some part-time outsourced designers. Since these personnel are charged according to the number of design orders, they care about quantity, so they do not have the energy and time to create and consider details during the design process, and only complete 60% of the equipment design and send it to the manufacturer. This has resulted in many manufacturers requiring on-site personnel to assemble, weld, and adjust some accessories for installation during the equipment manufacturing process. As a result, the scene we see is that during the assembly process of a device, some parts are painted while others are not painted, even just welded or assembled on site, resulting in unstable and high failure rates due to the lack of detailed drawings. The biggest headache is that once the customer's equipment parts are damaged or worn out, there is no detailed drawing to process and provide, because it is believed that most products are temporarily assembled by ready-made production personnel based on the situation at that time (this type of enterprise basically accounts for 95%).

The fifth type of enterprise is first introduced through website images. On some social media platforms, you will find that they have a wide variety of devices, but the vast majority have uniform colors, consistent workmanship, and almost no significant differences in design styles. At the same time, their production scenarios are consistent (this is very important, it is a very important signal representing a company's own production). When customers visit, the equipment is consistent with the promotion on the website, the factory scene is consistent, and every part and detail of the equipment is assembled uniformly after painting. This basically indicates that they have their own independent design and dare to assemble uniformly after painting. The assembly process is clean and tidy, indicating that the equipment has undergone detailed 3D design simulation and precision machining before assembly. Otherwise, this enterprise would not dare to try the process of assembling all parts after painting (this is also a signal to measure a high-quality production enterprise, just like the automotive production industry, where it is impossible to assemble and modify every car at the same time). It is worth noting that a production environment, especially a dirty and messy assembly environment, is absolutely impossible for an enterprise to produce stable and reliable equipment. Therefore, the fifth type of enterprises allocate the vast majority of their energy and funds to research and development design in order to obtain high-quality equipment and user experience (of course, these enterprises only occupy 5% of the market).

3. Designers: We communicate with a large number of professionals in cold bending design. Through communication, we found that not all designers are good at designing cold bending equipment products that press all plate thicknesses, as the thickness of cold bending products ranges from 0.2-20mm. According to statistics, 80% -90% of cold bending designers are better at designing cold bending products that press 0.2-2mm, while only 10-20% of designers are good at 4-20mm. We have learned that throughout the entire design process, designers not only need to use their theoretical knowledge, but also whether they have sufficient experience in corresponding plate thickness design occupies the dominant core. For example, if a person who is engaged in designing 0.2-1mm cold bending equipment for pressing products (mainly used in the color steel industry) designs 4-20mm cold bending products, there will be problems such as insufficient equipment design strength, high equipment damage rate, or equipment design that is too bulky, overall difficult to use, high failure rate, and unqualified pressed products. Therefore, each enterprise sells different products and excels in different fields. As an equipment selector, you also need to observe whether some of the equipment you choose for the enterprise's daily production is similar to your product (for example, if you need a set of equipment for pressing thick plates, when you visit a company and find that their main equipment is used to make small equipment for thin plates, then you need to purchase carefully, otherwise you will be affected). Be the next experimental mouse.

4. Equipment accessory brands: When we search for or purchase some equipment, we find that the equipment parts brands provided by various suppliers are the same. For example, in electrical appliances, there are brands such as Siemens, Delta, Delixi, Schneider Omron, etc., and in bearings, there are brands such as Harbin, NSK, SKF, etc. for comparison. If you find or communicate that some manufacturers have been purchasing first tier brands such as Siemens or Schneider, this sends two signals: 1. For the production of high-quality components and equipment, this company is a daily operation, not a low-quality product itself, and only upgrades the brand in order to close deals with customers or meet their requirements. 2. Manufacturers who frequently purchase first tier brands can do so if customers require them to use some second or third tier brand accessories, but if some manufacturers who frequently purchase cheaper accessories are asked to use some international first tier brand accessories, it will cause waste, damage, and instability. Because relatively inexpensive accessories are mostly manufactured by imitating or imitating the accessories of these first tier brands, such as Siemens, which has its own independent program production process and is different from any other low-cost brand model. The basic program editing or production of other low-cost brands is the same, without its own characteristics, popularized, and easier to use. However, if a manufacturer tries to use these low-cost products and suddenly a customer needs Siemens, they cannot handle it. Even if they are forced to use Siemens due to customer requirements or competition, they cannot truly leverage Siemens' advantages. The program is unstable in all aspects because what they need to edit or change is completely different. That is to say, a manufacturer who is accustomed to using high-end brand accessories can easily use low-end brands, but if a manufacturer who uses low-end brands for a long time uses high-end brand accessories, it will cause waste, and even be less stable than using low-end brand accessories. This depends on the habits of the equipment manufacturer.

5. Equipment manufacturing: Many customers often see or hear manufacturers say that the equipment is basically assembled when purchasing equipment, and they may quickly hand over the equipment to the customer. After more than 20 years of experience accumulation, visiting and learning, as well as communicating with customers, we have found that the failure rate of equipment assembly without large-scale testing is as high as 99%, and there are usually large and small problems that occur, which is unbearable for customers. Therefore, we have summarized a reasonable production process. In a reasonable equipment manufacturing period, drawing design and simulation must account for 1/3 of the equipment manufacturing time (if the early design is not detailed, assembly may not be smooth, the structure may not match, and the equipment may be unstable, so sufficient preparation and prevention must be made in the early stage). Equipment production and manufacturing time should account for 1/3 of the construction period, and the most important part is equipment testing, which should account for at least 1/3 of the total construction period. Due to the inconvenience and distance of the customer's site, the equipment can only be tested extensively to ensure the accuracy of the electrical control system and the reasonable allocation of air and oil circuits. At the same time, it is necessary to observe whether the equipment runs smoothly and whether the details are easy to operate. Once problems occur, a solution should be held immediately. Reasonably optimize the meeting, So equipment testing is the most important, and currently the vast majority of factories rarely perform this operation or they believe that the end is when the equipment is assembled. But testing equipment is the real beginning. Designing and manufacturing equipment are all for testing purposes. The detailed processing and testing of equipment in the later stage are crucial, directly affecting whether the equipment can operate stably and effectively on the customer's site. Provide value to customers, rather than being constantly debugging and improving.

6. Equipment technology: Many customers compare prices when selecting equipment, which is understandable and normal. However, whether a device can produce precise length and punching accuracy in the later stage depends entirely on the reasonable arrangement of the process, so the price of different processes will vary greatly. At present, 90% of production factories only have knowledge of equipment and are not very clear about electrical control systems. As a result, those who make equipment only make equipment, while those who make electrical control cabinet systems only make electrical control systems. They each make their own and are not compatible. Once the equipment is inaccurate, or the length changes randomly during production, the punching hole spacing becomes more and more different, or just after debugging, customers can barely find the length of profiles or punching holes that they can use by changing the data on the screen. However, after working for a period of time, it begins to repeat, resulting in a large amount of waste, and customer orders cannot be completed on time. The reason for this problem is that the overall process of the equipment is incorrect. Currently, can all process electrical control systems calculate accurately? Electrical control systems are not considered to be accurate and can calculate accurately in various situations. The accuracy of the electronic control system requires certain mechanical conditions. For cold bending equipment, the mechanical environment refers to the process arrangement of the equipment (such as whether to punch holes before forming or to form and punch holes again for a profile, depending on different situations, different choices will result in the accuracy of hole spacing). Therefore, when choosing equipment, the first step should not be to negotiate with the manufacturer about price, motor power, or roller shaft size. You should first explain your needs to the manufacturer and clarify why the equipment process is being used. The next step is to negotiate the price. If a factory provides processes that are either incorrect or unreasonable, they can basically pass. Don't rely on you to tell them the process to achieve it, otherwise they will disappoint you even more when it comes to actual production. Note that process is the top priority of a piece of equipment, just like a plan to build a house. If you first build the roof without laying the foundation, it may seem like it is completed, but in reality it is zero. Therefore, a company without reasonable processes has no cooperation value, and this enterprise knows nothing at all.

7. Certificate: A company that focuses on equipment in a certain field must have a large number of certificates and patents related to this field of equipment. For example, a professional manufacturer of corrugated steel plate equipment for steel silos. How to determine whether they have sufficient experience in this field, at least they need to have a large number of patent certificates for steel silo equipment, rather than a general equipment certificate. Of course, he needs to have complete equipment production testing videos and corresponding image materials on the videos, rather than downloading them online or providing video screenshots to you.

8. Material judgment: When choosing a company, the most basic threshold is to ask the manufacturer to send you videos, pictures, and observe whether the manufacturer has a sufficient number of complete production videos and equipment photos from various angles. This is the basic judgment to determine whether a company has real production experience and capabilities. Instead of receiving videos as a color device and images as another color device, the details are all pieced together, and not just one, but a large number of videos and images with the same craftsmanship, style, and style. If not, it means you are about to become his first guinea pig. It also indicates that this factory has no production experience at all. It should be noted that if two or more companies share the same video or photo material, then this device is definitely problematic. It is best not to choose either company, or someone can prove that the device is their own. It should be noted that if a video sent by a company is incomplete or does not show the entire production process, it may indicate that there are problems or malfunctions with the equipment production and shooting. No company is unwilling to showcase the good side of their equipment to customers.

9. Inspection: How to obtain a device with no quality issues, and what is the best way to inspect it. Many customers may have purchased a large amount of equipment, but do not possess the inspection technology for genuine cold bending equipment. A high-quality or qualified equipment is not enough just because you arrive at the site and the appearance of the equipment looks good, nor is it just about measuring the shaft diameter, so the motor power is not a problem. These are just the most basic operations and cannot reflect the quality of the equipment. Because what you purchased is not a motor or a shaft, but a sturdy and reliable device that can be stably produced in your company. If there are continuous equipment problems, no matter how good your motor is or how thick the roller diameter is, it is useless. So the first step in inspection is to check the technical parameters and performance, which is a basic item. The second step is to have the factory arrange personnel to produce on site according to your drawings (ensuring that you do not leave the site during inspection), and then conduct inspections of hole spacing, length, and external dimensions on your own. If they are not qualified, please stop immediately. At this point, the salesperson or the so-called factory technician may start explaining the reason to you and ensure that it will be resolved in a while. For the first time, you can follow their instructions, ask them to identify the problem and restart mass production, and check if there are any issues. If you find that there are still problems, it means that there is a problem with this device. Problems often occur when used by professionals, let alone when shipped to your factory, the result is that this equipment will be even worse. Of course, if there are no issues with the first length or hole spacing, then immediately ask the factory to arrange for production of an exception size and model. Only by constantly changing the model, size, hole spacing, and conducting mass production without errors, can a trustworthy device be made. You need to understand that the problems that arise during factory inspections will only worsen and not decrease once they reach your factory, so you must carefully inspect them yourself. A good device definitely does not require frequent debugging or frequent inaccuracies.

10. Equipment details: Equipment details are a reflection of ensuring stable use, reducing failure rates, and increasing work efficiency of a device in the later stage. They also reflect whether a company has invested energy and effort in this device. If the details are done well, it also fully indicates that a device was not made hastily during the manufacturing process, encountered fewer problems, and the factory has enough time to handle the details. For example, whether the layout of the wiring on the equipment is reasonable, and whether the arrangement of the air circuit is well-organized, rather than messy details. If the details are not handled properly, it can only prove that the equipment manufacturer made it hastily and hastily. Once rushed, there may be other problems that arise, and chaos will lead to errors. Secondly, it also indicates that this factory has not invested too much energy and time in equipment. Even with many problems, they are still very urgent to deliver or ship, and their purpose is only marketing. Details are definitely a reflection of whether a manufacturer will be professional and have a good work attitude. Do you think a manufacturer who doesn't know how to handle details or doesn't have a good work attitude will provide stable and reliable equipment? The details discussed here are definitely not just about whether the appearance is painted beautifully, but about the crucial aspects of some functions and usage. If not handled properly, the equipment failure rate will continue to increase. If you can't handle the details of your daily equipment well, don't expect to help you handle it. This is not only an attitude but also a habit. Perhaps he doesn't know how to handle the details because he has never dealt with them before. In general, this type of factory can still produce very rough products or equipment.

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